Small MongoDB Notes
From PaskvilWiki
The PHP's PECL driver provides a very neat and clean integration. Databases and collections within are accessed directly as if members of the (client) connection:
// host defaults to 'localhost', port defaults to 27017: $client = new MongoClient(["host[:port]"]); // access database directly - replace 'database' with DB's name: $client->database // as well as collection within the database: $client->database->collection // now lets find some documents in the collection: $client->database->collection->find([query]); // find() returns iterator, so just foreach through it: foreach ($client->database->collection->find([query]) as $id => $doc) ; // do your best here...
If you need only one document (or know that there is - at most - one), you can use findOne() function that returns the document directly.